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Energy Work with Deanna

About Me

My love for animals led me to energy healing in 2019.  I became vegan and knew I had to help animals, after learning about the infinite ways they are tortured and exploited globally, every minute of every day.  


The universe tried to get through to me multiple times, starting in 2012 when two clairvoyant men both told me I was a "Healer" on separate occasions.  I had NO idea what a healer was (and didn't care, at that time). I was selling software, making good money, and had no intention of ever leaving the corporate world. Reiki crossed my path many times after that via ads and word-of-mouth. Seven years later, I hated my career, quit my job, took time off, and finally looked into Reiki, and it was perfect because I could help animals anywhere in the world! And now I know what a Healer is lol.


I received my Animal Reiki certification, and it seemed to work every time! I was even able to heal my bunny's eyes and reverse GI stasis.

Even though animals were physically healed after Reiki, I still wanted *verbal* feedback.  So I began doing it for people. The results were surreal. I kept thinking it was a coincidence every time someone confirmed their issue had been resolved or improved. Then I healed my own knees, after doctors said I needed a wheelchair or double knee surgery/replacements, in order to walk again.  I don't have any cartilage (it's bone-on-bone), and doctors don’t know how I’m standing/walking because I never got surgery. 


In 2019, I left the corporate world (after 18 yrs in software sales) and have been doing Energy Work ever since.  Growing up, I NEVER wanted my own business, but after realizing Reiki could do things that western medicine couldn't, it was impossible for me to continue selling software. I immediately knew this was my purpose - I LOVE it - it's better than magic!  It can help resolve issues, even if/when doctors and veterinarians run out of options. Blows my mind every day and never gets old.✨💛

Deanna Tsang Animal Reiki

My Assistant

I have 4 Reiki certifications (I, II, III + Animals) and completed 3 different Reiki Programs, allowing me to compare and contrast. Usually, I combine multiple techniques (not just Reiki) during sessions to accelerate the healing process.


Other services I offer:

  • Clearing chakras, auras, energy rays, body

  • Cutting negative energy cords & attachments

  • Pranic Healing

  • Crystal Healing

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT Level 2 Certified)

  • Past Life Regressions

  • Reiki Training/Certification

  • Life Coaching/Spiritual Guidance/Mentoring

  • How to Manifest/Materialize

  • Healing & getting over exes

Every practitioner is different - just like ANY profession. We all have different procedures, backgrounds, experiences, ethics, spiritual practices, etc.  I developed my own multi-step process to accelerate healing, and have been able to heal my own issues. I meditate everyday, don't drink alcohol or do drugs, and eat healthy, which helps me be a "clearer" vessel to transfer energy to clients (as clear as I can possibly be). Results are what matter though.  So, talk with a few practitioners, read testimonials or ask for references, and trust your intuition and heart - you'll be guided to the right one.  

After starting my own spiritual journey and going down the "rabbit hole", I am beyond excited to share everything I've learned with others!


It's literally insane how much is "hidden" from us the moment we are born. Since you found my website, you know what I mean. There are so many things I believe in now (after testing things out myself). And so much more to learn - it's infinite.  I live in constant fascination!

I've been having so much fun helping people who are at the beginning of their spiritual journeys!  My spirit guides and angels always send signs/messages and help me, but I'm not clairaudient and can't hear voices. So, I always wanted a HUMAN guide/mentor/coach who could answer my questions, provide explanations, give me advice, walk me through things step by step, tell me how planet Earth works and why we are here, recommend resources, and speak English to me lol. So I offer this 'service' (Spiritual Guidance) to others and try to be that person who I was looking for because it would've saved me 10 years worth of research and made healing and learning LOT easier/faster. 😄​💫

Spiritual Rabbit Hole

Spiritual Guidance & Coaching

Spiritual Guidance

  Common topics I help people with:


  1. Life Purpose/Career/What to do next

  2. Manifesting, Quantum Physics

  3. Finding a life partner/soulmate 

  4. Mending a relationship

  5. Getting over a breakup

  6. How to *truly* release & let things go

  7. Healing yourself & your pet(s)

  8. Root Causes of physical issues/conditions

  9. Reiki Training & Certification

  10. Who we are, our natural gifts & how this planet works

  11. Meditating

  12. Spirit Guides & Angels

  13. Signs & Messages

  14. Dream Interpretation

  15. Communicating with animals

  16. Pets = Earth Angels

  17. Lucid Dreaming

  18. Past Lives (i.e. Parallel Lives)

  19. QHHT, Higher Selves, Channeling

  20. Raising your energetic frequency level

  21. Breath Work

  22. Holistic living

  23. Understanding Chakras

  24. Seeing auras

  25. “Clair” senses

  26. Dark energy, entities, attachments

  27. Protecting ourselves energetically

  28. Autism, ADHD, Schizofrenia, Bi-Polar disorder

  29. and more

I am more than happy to chat with you, especially if you are open-minded, ready to take action, and want to:

- make big changes in your life that seem impossible

undo negative self-talk & conditioning since birth

- remove blockages/problems & be in control

- uncover "secrets" that society represses

- tap into your divine gifts/abilities

- live your purpose

- find the love of your life

- restore your health & stop pain/suffering

- be happy 90% of the time

- break karmic cycles

- connect with your guides, angels & Higher Self

- manifest what you want faster

- witness miracles

- have mystical & magical experiences

- go down the spiritual rabbit hole further

- be mind-blown with me! 🌈 🦋🧚‍♂️✨

Spiritual Guidance
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