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"We must protect the unprotected, care for the uncared for, and speak for the voiceless. We must give all animals a chance to live a life."

~Anthony Douglas Williams


  • Decreases stress & anxiety

  • Reduces aches & pains

  • Reverses illnesses & diseases

  • Defuses aggression

  • Promotes relaxation & better sleep 

  • Accelerates rate of recovery from injury

  • Alleviates PTSD & depression

  • Relieves side effects of medication/drugs

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Promotes deeper bond between parent, fur baby & siblings 

  • Flushes out toxins 
  • Eases muscle tension and stiffness

  • Removes energy blocks

  • Clears and balances chakras

  • Provides comfort & serenity before passing away 

Cat Animal Energy Healing San Francisco
Rabbit Animal Energy Healing San Francisco
Cuddling Buddies

Animals vibrate at higher frequency levels than humans and are extremely sensitive to energy, making Energy Work a very effective healing method for them. 


Through my own personal experience, I've learned that animals can see, feel, smell and hear energy. They always sniff my hands when the energy starts flowing. Some animals point the part of their body that needs healing towards me (i.e. a hurt leg/hip/foot), or put it directly into my hands (i.e. a frostbitten ear, injured eye, or their head if they've had a traumatic experience).


My bunny, Peanut, can hear energy. If I move my hand slightly during a session, his ear points in the direction that I moved it. If I'm doing a remote session for a client, Peanut stares from across the room. When he needs healing himself, he'll curl up in my lap or lay directly in front of me. I clear/unblock his energetic body from across the room though because there's a lot involved, and it's easier from afar. Sessions usually induce sleep so he and most animals take a nap. I saved Peanut's life one night and did energy healing for 6 hours straight - he rotated his body in front of my hands where he needed it. I find it ALL so fascinating! 


I've had the privilege of working with other bunnies, as well as dogs, cats, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, lambs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, roosters, ducks and pigeons. I've fallen in love with every single one of them. They ALL sense the energy and know it can help them.  Some skeptical people think energy healing is just the "Placebo Effect", but animals disprove that theory.

Conditions I've treated

Diseases, illnesses, chronic conditions:

  • Cancer

  • Lipomas (benign tumors/fatty lumps of tissue)

  • Corona Virus

  • Arthritis

  • Pancreatitis

  • Vertigo

  • Anemia

  • Eye infection

  • Digestive/Gastrointestinal issues

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Asthma

  • Constipation

  • Urinary Tract Infection

  • No appetite

  • Fur Loss/Thinning

  • Low Energy / Lethargy

Physical aches, pain, injuries, symptoms:

  • Legs, ACLs, paws, hips, shoulders, back/vertebrae/spine

  • Coughing

  • Limping

  • Abdominal pain / stomach aches

  • Blocked tear duct

  • Recovery from surgery

  • Skin tags & moles

  • Allergies & rashes

  • Flea bites

  • Excessive licking (paws, legs)

  • Teeth/mouth issues

Mental & emotional issues​:

  • Stress, Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Depression

  • PTSD & Trauma

  • Grief

  • Peeing on the furniture, beds, rugs

  • Anger

  • Jealousy

  • Distrust

  • Running away from home

  • Constant barking

  • Aggressiveness

  • Broken bond with mom/dad

  • Passing over the rainbow bridge

Animal Reiki Energy Healing for cat
Animal Reiki for cat
Pebble Stone Beach


Before I begin doing Reiki, I always talk with animals first to introduce myself, explain what I'll be doing, and how it can help them. I also let them know they are in complete control. I just provide the energy and make it available to them. Then, they can choose if they want to draw it into their body or not (they always do though). Usually, animals want the energy the entire session, but if they've had enough or want to take a break, they will let me know by standing up, walking away, drinking water, or distracting themselves with something else. Sometimes they just want a short intermission, and then continue on with it haha.  Face-to-face sessions are usually 60-80 minutes, depending on the animal.


I never force the energy on animals. I like to give them plenty of space initially and sit at a distance. Many will come over to me, but some like to receive it from across the room. Direct contact is not necessary. Energy Healing is usually very calming, soothing, and relaxes animals. You'll see their eyes close most of the time, as they fall asleep. Always make sure they have plenty of water because energy work makes everyone thirsty, as it flushes out toxins, negative energy and rebalances the system. 

Animal Reiki for dog
Free Range Cows


For Remote sessions, I need a photo of the animal, their name, location (city/state), and their situation/what to focus on. Zoom is not necessary, but I can set up a video call, if you'd like. I communicate with all animals telepathically. Just like I do in-person, I introduce myself, let them know that I'll be doing Energy Work for them, explain what it is, and how it can help. It's important that animals understand *they* are in total control. They can receive/stop receiving the energy whenever they want. Animals always want it, though - they love it! I make it very clear that they have all the power. It's ok if they fall asleep - they'll still receive the energy. Bodies heal fastest when we're sleeping.


I tell fur babies to communicate with you/their parents and let you know if they liked the energy healing or not. We need to know if it helped. So if they liked it and feel better, I ask them to be more affectionate, cuddly, talkative, playful, energetic, eat well, drink plenty of water, and *show* you how they feel. If they didn't like it or benefit from the session, I tell them to isolate themselves, be distant, and don't interact with you.


Sometimes I receive messages from animals, but I'm not a professional Animal Communicator - so it doesn't happen every single time. I'm convinced they can hear and understand me, though! So, if there's anything you want me to tell them, I can relay messages to them on your behalf :-) This has helped clear the air and resolve many misunderstandings and issues for pets!

Reiki for animals
Reiki for animals
Animal brown horse

Reiki for Rover:

"How Energy Healing
Can HelpOur Pets"

by Catherine Morris (WhichDoctor)

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