"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open."
~Sir James Dewar
Decreases stress & anxiety
Eliminates/Reduces aches & pain
Promotes relaxation & tranquility
Relieves insomnia
Alleviates cold, flu & Covid symptoms
Accelerates the body's recovery process
Removes toxins from the body
Lowers blood pressure
Alleviates nausea
Reduces side-effects of drugs, after surgery & chemotherapy
Reverses & stops the progression of diseases
Strengthens the immune system
Eases muscle tension & stiffness
Clears blockages & feeling "stuck"
Cuts negative energy cords
Restores balance & clarity
Helps you focus
Releases repressed & subconscious emotions from trauma
Fosters positivity and reduces depression
Raises the body's vibrational frequency level
Assists in spiritual growth
Connects you more with your Higher Self, spirit guides, angels & the universe
Makes it easier to find answers and information you're looking for
Accelerates manifesting what you want
Increases synchronicities & good luck, making life easier
Enhances health & well-being for you AND your pets
Helps guide you toward your life purpose
And more!

Symptoms & Conditions I've Treated
Stress & Anxiety
Physical Pain (back, neck, shoulders, legs, hips, knees, feet, toes, chest, groin, pectorals, arms, elbows, wrists, hands/fingers/thumbs, uterus, stomach, broken bones, teeth, surgery)
Covid-19/Flu symptoms (sore throat, chills/fever, body aches, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, congestion)
Acid Reflux
ADHD/ADD/inability to focus
Autoimmune Disorders
Bleeding gums
Breakups & Divorces
Bug bites
Carpal Tunnel
Digestive System
Emotional issues from childhood
Energy blockages
Feeling "stuck"
Food Sensitivity
Gastrointestinal System
Hearing Loss
High blood pressure
Irregular Heartbeat/Arrythmia
Kidney Disease
Menstrual Cycle Irregularity
Negative entities/attachments
Parkinson's disease
Patellar Tendinitis
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Pulled muscles
Pulmonary embolism recovery (blood clot in lung)
Recovery from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation
Repairing relationships
Side effects from drugs/medication & vaccines
Stiffness in fingers
Tennis Elbow
Tightness in the shoulders
Trapped gas
And more!

What to Expect

You don't need to believe in Energy Healing, in order to benefit from it. No preparation is required. All you have to do is sit or lay down and relax without any distractions. No reading, texting, watching TV or talking. Just remove jewelry and don't wear any leather. That's it!
Your clothes stay on. This is *not* a massage, and I don't provide any deep-tissue work physically with my hands. However, the energy will go deep into the body, muscles, tissue and cells. So, Energy Work can have some of the same effects as acupuncture (without the needles), or chiropractic work (without physical adjustments), or a massage (without fingers digging into you). Energy Healing is 100% non-invasive and safe. Many of my clients never have to go back to their chiropractor or do acupuncture again.
I offer a free 30-minute consultation (via phone) to gather information about your situation, explain my process, and answer any questions you may have. Everything is confidential, of course.
Although I developed my own 7-step process (based on personal experience, intuition, logic, spiritual guidance, and results), my sessions are customized for each client because everyone has different backgrounds, circumstances, ailments, intentions, preferences, and is at a specific point in their journey. Once I understand your goals and priorities, I can provide options and recommendations.
Pricing starts at $165 for 1 hour. I also offer monthly programs that range from 1-4 months long and are customized for every client. It just depends on what you want to accomplish. ALL practitioners are different - like any profession. We each have our own procedure and techniques, and results vary. So it's important to do your research, talk to practitioners, ask questions, read reviews and/or get references.
Whether the session is from a distance or face-to-face, you might feel warmth, coolness, tingling, pulsing, vibrations, waves, or nothing at all. Many clients see colors, light, images, geometric shapes, scenes, memories, people and animals. Dreaming, astral traveling, and crying is possible too. If you feel tears coming on, let them flow because the body needs to release/purge it out (I always have plenty of kleenex). You might fall asleep, which is normal - Your body will still receive the energy. In fact, our bodies heal fastest while we're sleeping. Snoring is ok too - I'm used to it :-) If you don't feel/see anything, that's ok - it doesn't mean it's not working. Every person and every session is different. Regardless of the sensations, the energy will go where it's needed.
Energy Work is usually a very calming and relaxing experience. Most people are tired or blissed out afterwards, but some have said they felt like they drank 10 cups of coffee and have a lot of energy. Either way, people notice differences/results immediately after I'm done.
Many of my clients only need one session. It could take multiple sessions, depending on what's being healed. For example, cancer or Parkinson's disease isn't going to go away after one session.
NOTE: I often receive messages during sessions about the root cause of a client's physical issue(s). I'm happy to pass along the messages if you're open to it.

In-Person Sessions

For face-to-face sessions, it's best to come to my building, "One Rincon Hill", in San Francisco (vs going to your location). I've included some photos above. For everyone's safety, there are security guards, surveillance cameras, and front desk sign-in. Everything is sanitized, and linens are changed in between every appointment, of course. There's street parking (meters), a parking garage in my building ($10 for 4 hours, or $20 for 12 hours), or public transportation (muni/bus or BART - 15 min walk).
I can travel to your location, but charge extra because there's a lot of 'equipment' that I use, and preparation work before/after each session. So I'd have to reserve an entire day for a home visit - to pack everything up, load the car, drive, unload, set up, conduct the session, pack up, re-load the car, drive back, and unpack. With that said, I can still come to you, if that's your preference.
During a session, you keep all of your clothes on (just take off your shoes), and lay down on a massage table. You don't have to do anything, except relax. You can fall asleep or stay awake. Afterwards, some people are tired, while others feel energized - everyone is different - I never know which way people will go. So just in case, don't plan on doing a triathlon after an appointment (or the next day) or anything strenuous that requires a ton of energy or physical strength. And it's best if you don't have a major meeting or presentation that demands serious concentration where you have to be laser-focused.
If it's your first time doing energy work, I recommend in-person if possible. Virtual sessions are effective too - it's just a completely different experience.

Remote Sessions

Remote sessions allow you to be in the comfort of your own home without going anywhere or seeing anyone. Or you can be at ANY location, anywhere in the world, as long as you're able to rest and relax. It's convenient, easy, eliminates traveling, and saves time.
I do all of the energy work on a surrogate, and you immediately receive it. Energy exceeds and bypasses any perceived limitations of time and space. So, it can be sent and received instantaneously "at the speed of light" - just like talking on the phone - we can be across the country/world, but still hear the other person's voice and have a conversation back and forth, as if we were sitting in front of each other. Sound waves are energy. We can't see it, but we hear it. I'm just working with a different type of energy that you can't hear or see.
I just need:
1.) A photograph of you (or whoever the recipient is) where I can see the eyes
2.) Location (city and state)
3.) What you'd like me to focus on
We'll pick a day and time for the session when you can lay/sit down and do nothing. Then I'll call you at that time to touch base, before I begin. We do not *need* to be on the phone or Zoom, but we can if you'd like. We'll hang up (unless you want to stay on the phone/Zoom). You'll lay down or sit down, relax, be ready to *receive*. It's ok if you fall asleep - we heal fastest while we're sleeping. I'll call you when I'm done, and we can debrief after.😀